Thursday, April 14, 2011

Quit or stay??? Help!

I don't know what am i thinking about lately~
I feel like quitting the job i am working now.


This job doesn't pays me well plus it's hell of mental abuse. Should i switch to other field??? Too late to change now?? I've been on hairdressing field for 10 plus year (this year is my 11th year). Man.... whenever the meeting comes, what you hear is all about the Sales, damn it. WHY WHY WHY is the only question popped out from the mouth of the superior. My reason coming to Singapore work is to earn some SGD, not to a take some F**King pressure. I've had enough of that for the pass... I know pressures sometime makes you strive for higher income, sales or whatever you name it. But don't you get it? We are just here to make some living. I work for the monthly pay cheque. Same goes to you. Why you wanna act like ya'somebody that owns the salon and pressure us??
If i'm holding PR or Independent pass, i could have quit working at this place right after Chinese New Year and say goodbye-e-e-e-e to the pressure. I dont LOVE pressure! Insane enough when the superior tells you that he loves it! O.o *WHUT?*

Sigh... im hoping for some enlightenment man~

The recent news i heard from my superior is that, from June onwards, levy will be increased to SGD600 for each foreign worker. Levy is something like a permit thingy that the company have to pays annually or monthly (not too sure). Which means. . . . people who seeks job at Singapore from June onwards will be having more difficulty than before. Goverment enforced the law and making sure only the qualified candidates comes IN and the lousy one gets OUT. Just the same for the pass two years, applying PR is like a piece of cake from what i heard from my client back at Malaysia, but not until today. So... back to the story... if i quit now... am i capable to re-apply my working permit from other company that i will be working? Will it be hard to get the permit done? (>,<)

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